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This is our second article on Dive Deep- an artist insight. And we are so elated to have had a conversation with none other than Robin William, whom we fondly call Robin cha.
Let’s Dive in as we to know our artists at a deeper level, deeper than what we just see on the surface, let’s get to know what’s on their heart.

1. So Robin cha, tell us Why you do what you do?
– I’m a strong believer that we shouldn’t miss out on what God is trying to say to us right now. It’s not that ‘His Truth’ changes over generations, but He wants to speak in our (present) language, so we can never deny His goodness.
2. What are the struggles you face while producing a song?
– As an artist, it’s easy for perfection to come in the way of releasing a song. Often, songs get buried when we start believing that the song is about our reputation. What helps is acknowledging that everything in the kingdom of God is a work in progress, and ultimately it’s not about us but about people encountering God.
3. What kind of support do you need as an artist from the church?
– Churches need to start believing that God can speak and use artists to deliver His Truth just as He would with anyone on a platform. There is no reason for Creativity and Truth to be in conflict because God is the author of both.

4. Is there something you would like to say to all the upcoming artists out there?
– First of all, believe that God can and wants to use you as a prophet to your generation. Second, it’s not about the views or the likes; your assignment can be a nation or a city or just one person – stay faithful. And last, God has given you the seed of revival for this generation, do not bury it but use it for His glory.

We were blessed with this conversation and we hope it blesses your heart too!